How Crampton Consulting Group serves veterinary practices

CCG helps practices deliver better standards of care by making their businesses work better.

Helping your practice thrive while delivering exceptional care is our vocation.

Read on if you’d like to discover the biggest myth in our industry and how dispelling it:

  • Radically improves the fortunes of practices
  • Improves the lifestyles of owners and employees
  • Maximises the care delivered to animals

So who are we?

We’re a team of animal lovers, veterinary nurses, and veterinarians, with a twist.

See, we share your commitment to delivering the best possible care to animals. That’s our north star. But we serve that commitment differently.

Our mission is to make your business the best it can possibly be and our team has over 250 years of experience doing just that. For more than 20 years, we’ve been trusted to work with over 300 veterinary practices large and small and we’ve proven the same thing time and again. Which brings us to the biggest myth in our industry.

Delivering the most sophisticated, heart-first service to animals and owners alike doesn’t have to butt heads with business sense.

It sounds so simple. Perhaps you’re scratching your head and we get that, really.

But the reality is, to deliver the best care to animals and first-rate service to customers your business structure, customer service and workplace culture all need to sing from the same hymn sheet.

So here’s how we can help and why we’re different.

Put simply, we fundamentally know the ins and outs of what makes some vet practices stagnate and others soar.

We pride ourselves on having the right solution to lift you from the mud, clear the chaos, and take you to the next level. See, we have a few things in our favour you may not find anywhere else. We have an all encompassing selection of best-practice products and services to up-level your business and up-skill your team, plus:

  • A combined 250 years of experience addressing every problem faced in the vet industry
  • A variety of methods of delivery
  • The capacity to tailor a solution to achieve your precise need

So about that myth-busting.

The simple truth is that the more effective your business, the more care you can deliver.

Benefits like increasing your bottom line, reducing running costs, creating wellness in the workplace, decreasing time and energy cost, up-skilling employees and enhancing recognition. All of these and more follow from mindset change, skillset growth, improved business process and structure, and behaviour change.

Finding and delivering your unique solution to these objectives is our sweet spot. The better your business functions, the greater the wellness of its culture, and the more growth it experiences all contribute to better output of care for animals and their owners alike.

Our track record and trust throughout the industry is exceptional. You can read a selection of testimonies and reviews below.

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