ProSkills Short Course Subscriptions

For teams or individuals

Yes! ProSkills subscriptions can be cancelled at any time. The owner of the ProSkills subscription can do this. 

To do so, log in to the ProvetCCG website and navigate to My Account > Dashboard > Subscriptions then use the ‘View’ button beside your subscription name.

Use the ‘Cancel’ button to cancel your renewal. Once cancelled, your subscription will expire at the end of the current subscription month and your subscription and any team members will no longer be able to access the subscribed ProSkills Short Courses.

There is no limit. You can do as many ProSkills short courses as you wish. 

You pay with your credit card directly using our payment processor (we use Stripe). 

Yes. Please contact Crampton Consulting Group directly to apply to use these funds.

Upon confirmation of the funds, you will be supplied with a voucher that can be used in the website store to purchase either individual courses or a subscription. For subscriptions, the monthly fee is deducted from the available balance on your voucher. When there is insufficient balance remaining, the subscription cost will be deducted from the credit card details you provide.

Your credit card number and security code are never stored on the ProvetCCG website. The store’s payment gateway gives this sensitive information directly to the payment processor. Our store complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), which apply to anyone storing, processing or transmitting credit card data. (More info at

We use Stripe as the payment processors. Stripe gives you the option to “store” credit cards via a secure method called tokenization.

Tokenized payment methods can be used for recurring payments or for convenience in future purchases by the logged-in customer. Credit card tokens include the last four digits of a card, the card brand/type, and its expiration date, mostly so you can identify which token is for which card.

Tokenization is extremely secure. With tokenization, your actual credit card information is stored on the servers of the payment processor. The only data saved on our site is in the form of a string of characters called a token. These tokens are designed to be useless outside the precise context they’re created for.

For further details relating to credit card payments via Stripe payment provider, please visit the Stripe Privacy Center

Tokens are super-specific — specific to the customer, specific to our website, specific to the payment gateway’s payment processor, and specific to our merchant account with that processor. If any of those factors aren’t precise, the token won’t work as a placeholder for a customer’s payment information.

Payment gateways that allow tokenization will require your site to meet higher security standards set by the payment processors, and those standards are described in the documentation for each payment gateway.

Yes. As the ‘owner’ of the team subscription you are given access to the subscribed ProSkills courses. This gives you access to team course completion reports and the ability to manage the team by adding, replacing and removing members from the team.

Monthly payments will be taken on the anniversary of your sign-up date. For example, if you signed up on the 12th of the month then your subscription renews on the 12th of every month. If you sign up on 31st of a month, then for months when there are less that 31 days the renewal will happen on the last day of that month.

To offer you the most flexible program, our annual subscription model has been replaced by a monthly subscription model.

Individual courses can be purchased outside of our subscription model should this better suit your requirements. Individual course enrolments provide access to the chosen course for 12 months.

Yes. Any account you, or team members you invite, create on the ProvetCCG website will be linked to the current ProSkills Online account provided that you use the same email address is used for both accounts.

The majority of our courses are eligible for AVNAT points. Some are also eligible for AVA VetEd Points and NZVNA AVNP points.

The points allocated to a course is shown in the course description. You can get a breakdown of all courses and their allocated CPD points from the subscription via the Team subscription shop page.

In the ProSkills Online website, go to your Dashboard. At the top of the dashboard there is a Tag Cloud showing the various course topic areas (clinical skills, customer service, leadership, team communication, etc.) and suggested audience (Training VN, Graduate VN, Advanced VN, Veterinarian). Clicking on one of these tags will list the associated courses.

Yes. In the ProvetCCG website, log in then navigate to My account > Dashboard > Team > Team settings. There is a button to change the seat count.

If you are decreasing the seat count, at the next billing cycle the price will be decreased according to your lower number.

If you are adding seats, you will go through the checkout process to pay for the new seat member’s immediate access and to update the recurring total going forward. The initial charge will be prorated to account for the time remaining in the current billing cycle to ensure you are charged fairly for the new seats.

Yes. You can appoint Team Managers to help with administration and tracking of Team Members

Once you have logged in to the ProvetCCG website, navigate to My Account > Dashboard > Team. There is a button to the right of each person’s name. Click ‘Set as manager’ to promote to manager or ‘Set as member’ to downgrade to an ordinary team member.

If the person’s name doesn’t yet appear in the list, you must first add them to the team. Choose manager role as you invite them to set them up as a team manager.

Yes. In the ProvetCCG website, log in and then navigate to navigate to My Account > Dashboard > Team. You can invite a new team member from there. If you need to increase your purchased seat count to allow for the extra member, then from your Dashboard Navigate to Team > Team settings. There is a button to change the seat count. You will be taken to the checkout to pay for the new seat member’s immediate access and to update the recurring total going forward. The initial charge will be prorated to account for the time remaining in the current billing cycle to ensure you are charged fairly for the new seats.

Yes. Log in to the ProvetCCG website and navigate to My Account > Dashboard > Team. You can remove a team member from there.

If you do not intend to replace that team member with another person, we recommend decreasing your seat count to avoid paying for a seat you are not utilising. In Team Settings, there is a button to change the seat count. Decrease the seat count and, at the next billing cycle, the price will be decreased according to your lower number.

Yes. Once logged in to the ProvetCCG website, navigate to My Account > Dashboard > Team. First remove a team member using the ‘Remove’ button beside the member’s name. Next select ‘Add Member’ from the left menu. Enter their email and role then use the ‘Add Member’ button to send them the sign-up link.

Yes. The team’s owner and any team managers can get a list of course completions via the ProSkills Subscription home page. Look for the ‘Team Reports’ tab under the ‘Program Leader Resources’ heading. You can view a list on screen and download the report in Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.

Yes. This may be done manually by a CCG support person. Please note: an administration fee and prorated fee (to account for any time that is added to the current billing cycle renewal date) may be added. For assistance, please email CCG support via and be sure to include:

  • What DATE of the month you would like your billing cycle changed to. Please note this must be a date of the month (i.e. 14th); it cannot be a day (i.e. second Tuesday of the month).
  • Your account owner’s name and Team name

Account changes will be made within 5 business days so please note that your request must be submitted at least 6 business before your next payment is due to be actioned.

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